British Gaurdian (FCI) Jasmina 2 year and 9 months Judge: Jens Utke Ramsing DK 2.Winner open class. 🏆3 BEST FEMALE 🏆 certificate, R Cacib
British Gaurdian (FCI) Jasmina 2 year and 9 months Judge: Alberto Vergara 🇮🇹 3.Winner open class.
British Gaurdian (FCI) Jasmina 2 year and 9 months Judge: Tatjana Urek Jipping 🇸🇮 2.Winner open class. 🏆4 BEST FEMALE 🏆 R certificate
British Gaurdian (FCI) Jasmina 2 year and 9 months Judge: SCHEEL KRESTEN DK 1.Winner open class. 🏆BEST FEMALE 🏆 Swedish certificate, Nordic show certificate, 🏆 BOB 🏆
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